Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Servo Car [ Sun SPOT app ] (8)

Let's glance over servocar-spots codes from here. First of all, check out source codes for release 1.0.0 as the following (For this, you need to have a subversion client installed on your computer and an account for, so please prepare both of them if you don't have).
$ mkdir work; cd work
$ svn co servocar-spots --username <username>
You can, of course, check out sources from trunk, but I'm explaining the details based on this release (1.0.0).

Then, build & deploy two Sun SPOT applications - one is for a remote controller named "ServoCar-Controller" and the other is for an actuator of servos named "ServoCar-OnCar".
$ cd servocar-spots/ServoCar-Controller
$ ant deploy
$ cd ../ServoCar-OnCar
$ ant deploy
Next, let's look at the ServoCar-Controller codes, especially related to Sun SPOT networking & accelerometer on EDemoBoard.

1 comment:

Luca Morettoni said...

Just a little question, I received today my SunSPOT; I run OpenSolaris 2008.05 (updated to snv_96) into my laptop but in this system there is NO support for Java5, any hints or I need to boot into WinXP partition?

Thanks again!!